This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentines Day & Relationships

Prepare for a rant! Yes, a rant from yours truly.

Valentines Day.. the sounds is agravating. What is the first thing that comes to mind, when you think 'Valentines?' Mine, is tears. Tears, of 'heartbroken' teenagers screaming out in pain becuase they either don't have someone to love for that special day of February 14th, OR, screaming out and bursting into tears because they don't know what to get the person they are in such 'love' for. Why? Why put yourself through this emotional termoial, just for a stupid day?

The way I look at it, if you feel as if you need a certain day of a year to show how much you love someone, to show that love, then it's quite bluntely obvious that you don't love them. You should NOT need a day just to proove to someone that you love them, no, just no. You should proove it to them more than ONCE a year. In fact, you should proove it to them every day with a hug and a kiss, and maybe an 'I love you.'

'OH MY GOD, THE SEMI FORMAL DANCE, I NEED SOMETHING TO WEAR, I NEED A DATE, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GODD!!' ... yeah I've heard that a few times. Stupid. I went to a semi formal dance last night, I enjoyed it.. not for the aspect of Valentines day, but for being with my friends, and dancing my ass off! It was a royal blast. I don't have any major complaints, but I do have a few.

ONE; Cry babies. These people piss me off. You go to a dance, pay your money, not to sit on a stair well, or in a bathroom, balling your eyes out. You go to the dance to spend time with your friends, or with your 'special someone.' As far as I'm concerned, special someones don't exist in High School. 90% of the time it'll never work out and someone will end up in tears anyway. So why put yourself through the torment? I mean, unless you're certain that it's genuine love, why bother?

TWO; Why do people go out and spend $300, $400 on clothing to wear for a few hours? Plan it weeks ahead of time..? I know I don't. I put mine together in 5 minutes before I fled the house to get to my friends house in time. I know, right? Rebel.

THREE; Dates. Go with your friends for fuck sakes. Not having a date is no reason not to go to a dance. If you don't enjoy dancing, don't go. If you don't enjoy being in a social enviroment with your friends & loud music, don't go. If the only reason is that you don't have a date, GET OVER YOURSELF. I didn't have a date, I went with a bunch of friends. That's what you're SUPPOSED to do.

FOUR; People who expect things. 'Oh, Babe, I got you a rose.' Then he/she starts crying because they didn't get their partener something. Then their partener gets upset because they spent 'all this money' on something, and they didn't get anything in return. DEAL WITH IT. I hope you don't expect much from me, becuase you won't get anything. Except for a hug. Unless you deserve a present, y'aint getting one.

Complaints over.

Love; I'm not going to lie and say that I've never fallen in love before, but I don't let it bring me to tears every time I think about it. I rarely let myself fall in love, because why in the hell would I want to put myself through it all? I have better places to waste my emotional energy.

One thing I've never understood, is when you're dating someone for two weeks, and you start to worry about getting them something big and expensive, as a promise ring or something. Uhm, hello? Reality check. I hope my future boyfriend dosen't expect big things from me within a few weeks of dating him... why waste my money if a certain and long-lasting relationship isn't set in stone?

I'm not saying that I'll never have a boyfriend, and that I'll never buy him things, and that I'll never be nice to him. Wrong. When & if I get a boyfriend, which I don't have much faith in, they will have my unconditional love. If & when I feel completely confident that things are going well, then I'd start thinking about promise rings, etc.

Now after reading that, I know you think I'm a MAJOR bitch, no, I'm really not. I just don't like these people that make life harder than it has to be for themselves. I'm not saying that I don't want a boyfriend, I want one, I really do, but I don't want to open myself up for all the stupid emotional crap following. It will take some REALLY special to get me into a relationship.

If you actually read this entire thing, thank you. May you have a great Friday and Weekend.

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