This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
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Friday, February 13, 2009


I have this song, in my iTunes. I don't know who it's by, becuase I stole it from a YouTube video. I found the music just so, inspiring. Like, I've listened to it at least 50 times in the last week or so(I checked iTunes, 46 ;]). I don't know what there is about this audio, but it moves me. I don't know where, I don't know how.. it just does.

'What is this Video, and this song?' You're asking. Well, let me post it for you, then I'll elaberate.

Okay, I'm now watching this video as I type. Even though I've heard the song, and read the facts a billion times, I'm still moved. It has my attention with a grasp. I mean, a fact like "If you're 1 in a million in China, there are 1300 people JUST like you." I found this amazing. 200 MILLION users on Myspace. I mean, who knew that Myspace would be the 5th biggest country in the world? I sure didn't. Who knew that technology was becoming so advanced, so quick? I knew that it was soon going to be smarter than human species, but who knew how soon it would become? 

Text messages, yes, I'm a frequent texter. Nasty habbit I know, but who knew that the amount of text messages sent in a day exceeds the total population of the planet? HOLY SHIT! What is this world coming too?

BY 2049 A 1000$ COMPUTER WILL EXCEED THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE HUMAN SPECIES, holy shit people. That's 40 years away. That's it! Most of you reading this blog will most likely be alive by that time. I find this just so, inspiring. Like, it makes me want to do something.. now. Just, I don't know!

What are we going to be telling our grandkids? [If you ever have grandkids.] "Yeah, you see that fancy touchscreen keyboard? Mhm, WE HAD TO TOUCH THE BUTTONS OURSEVES!" - Marika Horechuk . But honestly, that's a fact! What is this world coming to; it's becoming to technologically advanced, too fast. 

Anyways, I guess what I'm trying to get at is that the song in that video, is so, inspiring. I don't know yet why it's so inspiring.. but it is. Call me crazy, but that's how I'm feeling.

So, Happy Friday the 13th, I'm going,


  1. lol sorry to burst yer bubble mate, but this is a total rip-off of sift happens, which i saw in grade 9 english.
    go search shift happens, and click on the second version (should have the most hits)
    it's the same, word for word.

  2. I never even heard of Shift-Happens. I'll have to look it up !

    I was on Facebook and someone posted that video on my wall, and I was like, 'OMFG' and then it happened from there.
