This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
PLEASE; I encourage you to leave a comment, constructive criticism is also encouraged. Also, leave your opinion in a comment! I'd love to read them.
HI! My name is Kyle. I'm a homosexual teenager living in the 21st century inclusive of all the drama, troubles, teenage issues, and somewhat decent things ready to happen in my life. Please check out my blogs, I have two. One of my blogs is used for me to rant, or write random things, my 365 blog is a project I'm attempting to start. Please, I encourage you to check them out and follow me! THANKS!
Like my blogs? Follow me! If you want, drop me a line at: :]
:) I'm looking forward to it...