Way too much of it in this world. Do you know what heterosexism is? It's when people aren't inclusive of all gender orientations and sexual identities. I find this quite agravating..
Lets say you're having a lecture from a teacher in class; let's use PDR class as an example.
"Boys; you will have to look into using a condom to help prevent pregnancys in women."
If you're a homosexual.. I think the purpose of using a condom would be a bit different, don't you think? We would use it to prevent ourselves from contracting STIs, STDs, or HIV/ Aids... I'm quite sure if you are a homosexual male, you will not be making babies.
"Ladies; when you become sexually active, you should get birth control."
HEYY, rude.
If you're a lesbian, I don't think you'll be needing some pregnancy control. When teachers say "All girls and boys need to know how to use a condom." Wrong, again. A lesbian doesn't need to know how to use a condom; dental damn, maybe. This also refers to my homosexual males example, above.
I'm touching on this subject, because I find we need to work towards elimenating heterosexism in this world. When you're talking, use terminolgy that is inclusive of everyone! This isn't just for GLBTQ persons, this is also for people of different races; different backgrounds. It all falls under the same category! Why can't we all just include everyone and not just some, as a lot of us do.
There is no such thing as "safe-sex." Safe-sex is non existant in this world. With sexual activity, comes risks. A condom is not 100% effective. Yes, it does help protect you, but there is no 100% guarentee! An example would be HIV. The HIV virus is small enough to fit through the pors of a condom, therefor; a condom is not 100% effective of the prevention of HIV/ Aids. Yes, a condom does help prevent infection, but isn't a 100% guarentee.
So my conclusion to this is,
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SAFE-SEX; THERE IS SAFER-SEX, but no such thing as safe-sex.
So, here comes the last part of tonights rant. GLBTQ people, especially homosexual men, aren't the only ones who can get HIV/ Aids. To all you who think that, you're stupid, sorry. Believe it or not, female teens are at a higher rate of infection than anyone else. This is due to the female anatomy, unfortunately. The tissues of a vagina are softer than a males penis, which means the tissues can rip easier, allowing fluid transfers, leading to an infection. The head of a males penis is sort-of looked at as a sheild, or helmet. The area is tougher, therefor can withstand more. This does not mean males are 100% protected, just means that they have a smaller chance of being infected.
If you're wondering why I know all this; I do HIV/ Aids presentations with various other people to adults, students, and peers at various conferences; this meaning I'm trained in this subject!
:) I loved this post! Straight shooting (no pun intended) facts that we all NEED to hear!
ReplyDeleteThank you. :)