Oh my jesus, it's been how long since I've posted here? I thought I would come and post a blog to tell you I AM ALIVE. So, stop calling 911 child services; I'm not missing.
So what has happened since I last spoke to you? Well as you can see, I gave up on my 365 blog. It was WAY to much work to keep that going. I'll just keep enlightening you guys here on this blog; it makes my life easier.
So this month, I didn't do much, except for school. School is consuming my life... and work actually! I was hired at a place in my area, and I've been working there avidly; so I'm making lots of moula!
A few weeks ago, my cell phone was stolen on the bus. Someone took it out of my sweater pocket when I stood up to get off the bus. (I didn't zipper it up, I'm a fucking idiot.) Anyway, I haven't found out who did it; but if I do. Oh shat will hit the fan, let me tell you! So that day, I was freaking, I called my mom. I was like "Yo motha, come get me. We're going to Rogers." Not really like that, but it was close. Mom and I went to Rogers and I had to chip out $112 on this shitty Pay-as-you-go phone. ... thats all I have to say about that. After a week with that, my friend was selling his old Rogers blackberry.. so, I BOUGHT IT. Yeeee. So now I have a blackberry and a data plan. I'm going to set up this blog with my phone so I can update right from there! (Won't that be so cool ?!?!? :] )
What else.
Yesterday I went to a birthday party for my friend Hannah. (She's featured in the new banner up top!) IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. Her mom made the best nachos and cheese the worlds ever tasted. Everything was on them. EVERYTHING.
Well, there is your quick little update! I'll come out with a good one soon, I promise. Right now I have to go and do some more studying for Ancient History. (The test is on Monday, fml.) "Greece in the Heroic Age."
Oh, and I have a math test.. fml x2.
yours truly,
Hey friend
ReplyDeletejust checking your blog out
sweet banner : ]
have fun!