This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
PLEASE; I encourage you to leave a comment, constructive criticism is also encouraged. Also, leave your opinion in a comment! I'd love to read them.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm back!

* Grumble * Head ache... all day.. ALL FCUKING DAY! Ugh -_-' and of course no one had advil.. oh well.

We did our presentations. That went without a flaw... accept the mic was broke for the first two. Any who, they're all done. I got science homework though -_-' ugh. I finished my math homework at lunch, I still have French homework though.. just reading. Pfft, me, read? LAWL. Only the twilight series.

Well.. I'm going to go.. Alicia wants me to go hang out with her, so I guess I'll go see what we is gonna do. Anyways, later doods.


1 comment:

  1. SAY NO MORE! the only part i read was the "NO ONE HAD ADVIL" part. i needed to inform you that i ALWAYS (we're talking 99.999999999999999999999999% of the time) have advil! they have nicknames for me, but we won't get into that. if you need some, just find me!
