This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
PLEASE; I encourage you to leave a comment, constructive criticism is also encouraged. Also, leave your opinion in a comment! I'd love to read them.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Okay, I am going to start going on a rant. Okay, semester two / term three starts at school tomorrow. And I'm not looking foward to it. Ffs, THEY ARE TAKING AWAY MY BAND FOR FRICKING ENGLISH ! Like, what the hell. I love band. Anyways, they want to take me away from my dear band, and stick me in fricking english. Like, who the hell thinks of that? They should be sentenced to death. For first off, term 1 I had Math, Band, French, Gym.. then when term two started, they switched Gym with Science and Social Studies. LIKE WTF !? They keep harping on our asses that we need more physical edction, that we are becoming over weight, and all this bull. If this is the case, WHY DID THEY TAKE AWAY GYM?! LIKE WHAT THE HELL !? So, I've survived a whole ten weeks of pain and suffering without Gym. Stupid science and social studies. Now Gym is just a fricking memory. Of course the best teacher had to be the gym teacher. Anyways, they already did that to me, and now they are going to take away my BAND !? THIS IS LIKE FRICKED UP ! Stupid school. Oh well, at least from what I've heared, our new english teacher is really nice, really cool. So I guess I should chill out a bit :/ . Well, on a better note, we are going on a "class" or group trip with our GSA. WOOT WOOT ! Going to miss a full day of school, that is going to be a blast. Oh, and we are going to be missing another full 2 days for doing presentations at the junior high schools. Thats gonna be a blast. Can't wait, woot woot.

Okay, while Im on the topic of ranting. Do you know what drives me fricking insaine!? MSN. People, "Whats up, how are you, what are you doing?" They ask that question every fricking minute! Like what the hell, don't you have somthing better to do with your life? Ask it once, if I iqnore you, BUZZ OFF, and if you nudge me, you're like asking for trouble. People are so stupid, I tell you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So, if you have me on msn, be warned. Anyways, I guess I should get back to doing useful stuff with my life. How about, listening to music? Heh, I'm always listening to music. Anyways, peace.



  1. Love your rant darling, simply love it! It's so true about gym, and it was the only class we had together...whaa, not fair! Because of the lack of gym, I feel fat! Fat I tell you! But at least I get band now, so yay me!

    xoxo Katie-Aleah (venusAphrodite)

  2. I know.. Im a fatty too. -_- I need GYM ! NEED IT ! PHYSICAL EDUCATION ! AH! Lol. Yeah you get band -_- I get english. Jerk :P But I still love you. ♥ haha

    Kyle ☺
