Hey everyone. Well.. I didn't go to school today. When I woke up this morning, I could barly talk!! My mouth was so sore. Even swallowing shot a pain through my jaw and all this pain, I've had a head ach for hours. Tylenol is working a bit, but not the best -_-. I can't eat anything.. my mouth is too sore. Stupid braces, I mean I dont normally complain, but I've never had this much pain -_-. Oh well.. suck it up buttercup. So really, all I've had to eat in the last 20 hours was, vanilla ice cream, I put in a bowl, and stuck it in a microwave. ( Intelligence I know. ☺) So I've been having ice cream soup. Its not that bad actually.. anyways. I have a project due on Friday.. haven't even started it. Haha, I'm the definition of procrastonation. I also have a social studies project.. due in a few weeks... and a french project.. dont know when that is due. Oh well. Im not too concerned. Ill probably work a bit on my science project today, and a bit on my french one.. I'll wait a week and a half before I start my social studies one. LOL. I know, I'm a genious.. -_-' Well, I forgot to menchion somthing in my blog yesterday. I went into math class, thinking I had to do the test I missed, because I was in the hospital last week. Turns out, Mr Chanter came up to me, and said "Kyle, you if its okay with you, Ill excuse the test, and it will not be included in your terms mark." I was like, SCORE ! And the funny fact is, he didn't even know I was in the hospital. Oh well, ☺. So I responded, "Oh no, no problem." Haha, all my friends turned and gave me the look like, "You furking dick." Im like, * Big Grin. * Anyways.. I wanted to go to school today, because we were having a GSA meeting.. but nope. I HAD to miss it. Ffs. Oh well. Ill be there next week for sure. I wonder what we have for homework tonight? Ill have to ask Sarah.
Well, few days ago, when we were givin our Social Studies project, our teacher went on a speel. Went somting like this; "You can work as parteners for your project. But, I think that, that would be a disadvantage. If you work with a partner, I expect your project to be outstanding. If you are working alone, then I dont expect as good." I was like, WHAT THE FURK? .. she continued. ( I am the only one in the class from my junior high school, out of 32. The other 31 students are from the other school. Leaving me to be the outcast, as I live a half hour from my school. They all live within 5 min walk. So Its hard to work with them. They put Katie ♥ in the other class of 32, same deal. We were pissed.. so my teacher continued.) "If you want to be parteners, I dont think that if you are from
school and your partner is from
school then you shouldn't work together, because it will be hard to get time out of school. " I was like, WHAT THE FLYING FURK?! I am the only god damn kid from my school, and the rest are from the other school? So you're telling me to work by myself?! Bitch =_=. So, me and Katie, becasue we have the same teachers, just different classes, we also have the same stuff in the classes. Katie said she would ask our teacher if we could work together, even though we were in the different classes. So I dont know what our teacher said to that yet. Ill have to ask Kaite. Oh well, not all the teachers are brillant. -_-'

OMG! I found this really awesome picture.. on Chelsea's myspace. Its amazing. Have a look at it! Isn't it a pretty tree? I love it.
Oh, and another picture I found online.. god knows where, I forget now. Its amazing. Its titled, "FUCK" ☺

I also found this, read it.

Okay everyone, well that is my post for today.. I might post another one.. I unno. talk to you all later!
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