Okay, well it has been a whole day since I wrote in my blog. I know, sad aye? Well, yesterday I was SWAMPED with homework. I got one project of two done.. by 2:30 AM. Didn't even start the other one. Its murder I tell you ! I suffered from a migrain all day today because I had no sleep. Ffs. I have to work tonight too. Its not fun.. oh well! Its money, and its not that hard so whatever. Thank fuxing god it is the weekend. I've been longing for it, bahh ! Oh well, its here. Oh my fuxing god. Today in math class, if there wasn't a law on putting people in the hospital, I would've beat the chicken fixing shit out of lucas. OMG i was ready to loose it!!!! I wanted to strangle him. If he touched my back, one more fuxing time! I would have killed him. I sware to god. And the odd thing, was he kept blowing air on the back of me neck? Are you all thinking what I'm thinking? I'm a little worried he has the hotts for me. EW. GROSS. KILL ME NOW. THANK YOU. How could someone even stand a person like him? Just because his father is rich, he thinks he can take over everyone.. well I've got news for you buddy. Go fux yourself. Yeah thats what I thought. Haha. Well, today at school.. the only thing that sepereated me from beating that kid senceless ( not that he has that much sence anyways.. o_o ) was my migrain. Oh well. At lunch, me, katie♥, and dylan went to tim hortons... then we went to the dollar store. I got a cappuchino, 2 bags of chips, and a can of pop. At least I woke up o_O. Oh, and guess who we saw? GUESS!? Lucas. He was running around the parking lot ^_- like wtf? Anyways, I hoped someone would run him over. o.o Oh well. I guess I should stop talking about lucas. I have better things to talk about. Well, yesterday, me and katie also went to sobeys.. at lunch.. and we talked about how in her math class, all the boys were talking about penis size? Okay, odd conversation.. well at least it revolves around length, meaning numbers? I guess, so the teacher really couldn't get mad.. right? Lol. Not like we've never heard the word "penis" before. Anyways. Haha, today in English class, we role played a play, wrote by another english teacher. It was fairly good, and in the story, was quoted, "high school relationships only open up for heartach." What a coincidence, because I wrote a paper about a week prior about how 99.9% of high school relationships dont last? I looked over at Sarah and was like, SEE?!?! SEE ?!!? And we laughed in the middle of class. Ms Dykeman just looked at us with that look like.. I dont want to know. It was halarious. Anyways, I have a migrain and my head hurts.. so im like all, bahh, don tpiss me off. Well yesterday, I forgot to menchion Emma was hiding stuff in her VJJ o.o in french class. Gross? Who hides stuff in their zipper entrance of their jeans, in the middle of french class? I asked her if she was having an orgasime.. she just looked at me.. Im like, dear god. Anyways, my head is hurting as I've previously stated. IM GOING TO GO. Becuase I should get some shut eye before work. Okay then, I might post a blog after work.
This is a place where I will scribble down parts of my life, things I'm worried about, things I'm excited about, or just because I feel like venting.
PLEASE; I encourage you to leave a comment, constructive criticism is also encouraged. Also, leave your opinion in a comment! I'd love to read them.
PLEASE; I encourage you to leave a comment, constructive criticism is also encouraged. Also, leave your opinion in a comment! I'd love to read them.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Term: Twinn♥
Haha. Wow, awesome story behind this. Well, me and Katie have been friends for just about two years now. We met in grade 8, when I moved and started going to her school. We met in class, and were friends since then. This year, in grade 9, we became the "twins" or as me and Katie refer to ourselfs as, "twinns." It started this year when someone asked me and Katie if we were sibblings. We told them we were twins, when we have no blood relation at all. Someone had taken it seriously, and now everyone thinks we are twins ! So, that is why Katie and I have the term "twinn." Notice the double N added by Katie. The double N represents that we really aren't twins by blood, but by friendship ! Woot ! So, if you ever hear about me refering to my "twinn" in any of my post on my blog. You know who I am talking about ! Anyways, this post is dedicated to her, because I love her. ♥
Kyle (:
Kyle (:
Omf, ouch.
Hey everyone. Well.. I didn't go to school today. When I woke up this morning, I could barly talk!! My mouth was so sore. Even swallowing shot a pain through my jaw and all this pain, I've had a head ach for hours. Tylenol is working a bit, but not the best -_-. I can't eat anything.. my mouth is too sore. Stupid braces, I mean I dont normally complain, but I've never had this much pain -_-. Oh well.. suck it up buttercup. So really, all I've had to eat in the last 20 hours was, vanilla ice cream, I put in a bowl, and stuck it in a microwave. ( Intelligence I know. ☺) So I've been having ice cream soup. Its not that bad actually.. anyways. I have a project due on Friday.. haven't even started it. Haha, I'm the definition of procrastonation. I also have a social studies project.. due in a few weeks... and a french project.. dont know when that is due. Oh well. Im not too concerned. Ill probably work a bit on my science project today, and a bit on my french one.. I'll wait a week and a half before I start my social studies one. LOL. I know, I'm a genious.. -_-' Well, I forgot to menchion somthing in my blog yesterday. I went into math class, thinking I had to do the test I missed, because I was in the hospital last week. Turns out, Mr Chanter came up to me, and said "Kyle, you if its okay with you, Ill excuse the test, and it will not be included in your terms mark." I was like, SCORE ! And the funny fact is, he didn't even know I was in the hospital. Oh well, ☺. So I responded, "Oh no, no problem." Haha, all my friends turned and gave me the look like, "You furking dick." Im like, * Big Grin. * Anyways.. I wanted to go to school today, because we were having a GSA meeting.. but nope. I HAD to miss it. Ffs. Oh well. Ill be there next week for sure. I wonder what we have for homework tonight? Ill have to ask Sarah.
Well, few days ago, when we were givin our Social Studies project, our teacher went on a speel. Went somting like this; "You can work as parteners for your project. But, I think that, that would be a disadvantage. If you work with a partner, I expect your project to be outstanding. If you are working alone, then I dont expect as good." I was like, WHAT THE FURK? .. she continued. ( I am the only one in the class from my junior high school, out of 32. The other 31 students are from the other school. Leaving me to be the outcast, as I live a half hour from my school. They all live within 5 min walk. So Its hard to work with them. They put Katie ♥ in the other class of 32, same deal. We were pissed.. so my teacher continued.) "If you want to be parteners, I dont think that if you are from school and your partner is from school then you shouldn't work together, because it will be hard to get time out of school. " I was like, WHAT THE FLYING FURK?! I am the only god damn kid from my school, and the rest are from the other school? So you're telling me to work by myself?! Bitch =_=. So, me and Katie, becasue we have the same teachers, just different classes, we also have the same stuff in the classes. Katie said she would ask our teacher if we could work together, even though we were in the different classes. So I dont know what our teacher said to that yet. Ill have to ask Kaite. Oh well, not all the teachers are brillant. -_-'
OMG! I found this really awesome picture.. on Chelsea's myspace. Its amazing. Have a look at it! Isn't it a pretty tree? I love it.
Oh, and another picture I found online.. god knows where, I forget now. Its amazing. Its titled, "FUCK" ☺

I also found this, read it.

Okay everyone, well that is my post for today.. I might post another one.. I unno. talk to you all later!
Well, few days ago, when we were givin our Social Studies project, our teacher went on a speel. Went somting like this; "You can work as parteners for your project. But, I think that, that would be a disadvantage. If you work with a partner, I expect your project to be outstanding. If you are working alone, then I dont expect as good." I was like, WHAT THE FURK? .. she continued. ( I am the only one in the class from my junior high school, out of 32. The other 31 students are from the other school. Leaving me to be the outcast, as I live a half hour from my school. They all live within 5 min walk. So Its hard to work with them. They put Katie ♥ in the other class of 32, same deal. We were pissed.. so my teacher continued.) "If you want to be parteners, I dont think that if you are from school and your partner is from school then you shouldn't work together, because it will be hard to get time out of school. " I was like, WHAT THE FLYING FURK?! I am the only god damn kid from my school, and the rest are from the other school? So you're telling me to work by myself?! Bitch =_=. So, me and Katie, becasue we have the same teachers, just different classes, we also have the same stuff in the classes. Katie said she would ask our teacher if we could work together, even though we were in the different classes. So I dont know what our teacher said to that yet. Ill have to ask Kaite. Oh well, not all the teachers are brillant. -_-'

Oh, and another picture I found online.. god knows where, I forget now. Its amazing. Its titled, "FUCK" ☺

I also found this, read it.

Okay everyone, well that is my post for today.. I might post another one.. I unno. talk to you all later!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Regarding my post below; this is an extension to my post below:
It is on Katie's ( My Twinns :D ) Blog, there is a link in the top right hand of this page to her full blog.
It is on Katie's ( My Twinns :D ) Blog, there is a link in the top right hand of this page to her full blog.
Hey everyone. Well, today I had my first English class of this year. Turns out, Ms Dykeman is amazing. She's pretty rad. And the plus is that she isn't boring. I'm not sure what to write... well.. I think I'm going to be a favored student, ( unfortunatly ). Just because I was the only one that raised my hand to read the one line off the board. God forbid I actually speak out. Lol. Anyways, at least I didn't almost fall asleep in class. Haha. Well, thank furcking god, Lucas Chamberlain is NOT in my english class. Thank the furking lord. I am ready to beat that kid senceless ! He is driving me crazy. Every time I turn around, he makes a comment, and if hes not making a comment, he is asking about my friends, or he is going on about gay men? Like WHAT THE FURK? Makes me wonder. So I guess im like 1 of 6 people in my class that absolutly dispise him. Not batting a very good average there lucas. Dumb ass. In social studies today, I was ready to strangle him. I went up to my teacher at the end of class and said, either move me, or move him.. or by the end of one of these classes, one of us will be dead. I can't deal with his shit anymore. Its driving me insaine. I think the reason he dosen't like me is becasue I don't take his bull shit. Oh well, tough. One of these days, he is going to say a smart comment to someone, and they're going to plant on in his furking face. I hope I'm there to see it. Anyways, I went to the dentist tonight... got my braces tightened. Woop =_=' They decided to put on the elastic that streaches across the wire. Talk about tension. My mouth is so sore. Its not funny. Oh well, such is life. Its worth it in the long run. Its been one year and five days since I had my braces put on... woot, I guess? Well, I'm out of topics to write about now. Hurm. Oh, wait, well I found out today, its either in science or social studies, one or the other. We're going on a class trip to the descovery centre! WOOT ! Gonna have a blast. Okay, NOW i'm out of topics. I guess until tomorrow, or later on. One or the other,
Monday, February 4, 2008
Okay, I am going to start going on a rant. Okay, semester two / term three starts at school tomorrow. And I'm not looking foward to it. Ffs, THEY ARE TAKING AWAY MY BAND FOR FRICKING ENGLISH ! Like, what the hell. I love band. Anyways, they want to take me away from my dear band, and stick me in fricking english. Like, who the hell thinks of that? They should be sentenced to death. For first off, term 1 I had Math, Band, French, Gym.. then when term two started, they switched Gym with Science and Social Studies. LIKE WTF !? They keep harping on our asses that we need more physical edction, that we are becoming over weight, and all this bull. If this is the case, WHY DID THEY TAKE AWAY GYM?! LIKE WHAT THE HELL !? So, I've survived a whole ten weeks of pain and suffering without Gym. Stupid science and social studies. Now Gym is just a fricking memory. Of course the best teacher had to be the gym teacher. Anyways, they already did that to me, and now they are going to take away my BAND !? THIS IS LIKE FRICKED UP ! Stupid school. Oh well, at least from what I've heared, our new english teacher is really nice, really cool. So I guess I should chill out a bit :/ . Well, on a better note, we are going on a "class" or group trip with our GSA. WOOT WOOT ! Going to miss a full day of school, that is going to be a blast. Oh, and we are going to be missing another full 2 days for doing presentations at the junior high schools. Thats gonna be a blast. Can't wait, woot woot.
Okay, while Im on the topic of ranting. Do you know what drives me fricking insaine!? MSN. People, "Whats up, how are you, what are you doing?" They ask that question every fricking minute! Like what the hell, don't you have somthing better to do with your life? Ask it once, if I iqnore you, BUZZ OFF, and if you nudge me, you're like asking for trouble. People are so stupid, I tell you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So, if you have me on msn, be warned. Anyways, I guess I should get back to doing useful stuff with my life. How about, listening to music? Heh, I'm always listening to music. Anyways, peace.
Okay, while Im on the topic of ranting. Do you know what drives me fricking insaine!? MSN. People, "Whats up, how are you, what are you doing?" They ask that question every fricking minute! Like what the hell, don't you have somthing better to do with your life? Ask it once, if I iqnore you, BUZZ OFF, and if you nudge me, you're like asking for trouble. People are so stupid, I tell you. Stupid, stupid, stupid. So, if you have me on msn, be warned. Anyways, I guess I should get back to doing useful stuff with my life. How about, listening to music? Heh, I'm always listening to music. Anyways, peace.
This amazing picture.

Holy crap man ! I was fooling around with my cell phone, because I had nothing else to do, and I decided to take a picture of my puppy dog. Well, my phone wasn't on high resolution either, but I took the picture, and Im like jesus, that is amazing! Anyways, I took it and thought that I should post it here! Comment on it (:
The first post.
Hello everyone. I guess this is my first post? Well.. I created a blog because I was sitting home today and wondering, "What can I do? Im bored as beans." Anyways, my friend decided to tell me to read her blog, so I read it.. then I was interested. And that brings me here. I created a blog... not promising anything much.. and I'll only write in here when I feel like it. Which .. may or may not be much. Anyways, I don't know what topic to start on today? Other than.. I'm a newb.
Well, hurm, it is 11:17 am, I'm home from school. Didn't feel like going.. didn't have any tests today, so why the hell would I go? Haha, its only one day. Anyways, I found the best song ever. Two actually, they're pretty damn amazing. Want to see them? ... no, yes? Fine. Hah, well, I have the youtube links. So Ill post them.. hold on, let me copy and paste. ...
Okay, here is the first one: Crazy Loop // http://youtube.com/watch?v=8qTFqnDpuvE
and here is the second one: Chewing Gum Fraise (Its french, so I doubt you can understand it lol) // http://youtube.com/watch?v=DYqzcDNhenc
well there they are. Well I'm going to tell you a story. Last night, I went over to Katie's house ( venusAphrodite ), because she invited me over to play the sims.. turns out, it didn't work. Instead we worked on our projects.. for like 0.5 seconds, then we played air hockey. It was halarious, the hockey puck thing jumped off the air hockey table and hit Katie's finger. ... my bad :D ♥ Katie. Anyways.. so we stopped playing air hockey. Then we played Guitar Hero ! (: Yes we did. That was fun.. while it lasted. Oh, I forgot to menchion we played piano, was on youtube, and Katie's mom got us apple juice. (: Mmm. We had a blast.
Okay, well I dont want to post any more now. Ill probably post one a bit later when I'm bored.. again. Must go back to blasting music at a deafining level, peace.
Kyle ☺
Well, hurm, it is 11:17 am, I'm home from school. Didn't feel like going.. didn't have any tests today, so why the hell would I go? Haha, its only one day. Anyways, I found the best song ever. Two actually, they're pretty damn amazing. Want to see them? ... no, yes? Fine. Hah, well, I have the youtube links. So Ill post them.. hold on, let me copy and paste. ...
Okay, here is the first one: Crazy Loop // http://youtube.com/watch?v=8qTFqnDpuvE
and here is the second one: Chewing Gum Fraise (Its french, so I doubt you can understand it lol) // http://youtube.com/watch?v=DYqzcDNhenc
well there they are. Well I'm going to tell you a story. Last night, I went over to Katie's house ( venusAphrodite ), because she invited me over to play the sims.. turns out, it didn't work. Instead we worked on our projects.. for like 0.5 seconds, then we played air hockey. It was halarious, the hockey puck thing jumped off the air hockey table and hit Katie's finger. ... my bad :D ♥ Katie. Anyways.. so we stopped playing air hockey. Then we played Guitar Hero ! (: Yes we did. That was fun.. while it lasted. Oh, I forgot to menchion we played piano, was on youtube, and Katie's mom got us apple juice. (: Mmm. We had a blast.
Okay, well I dont want to post any more now. Ill probably post one a bit later when I'm bored.. again. Must go back to blasting music at a deafining level, peace.
Kyle ☺
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